Spyridon Kintzios

Spyridon Kintzios

Rector, Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Greece

Professor Spyridon Kintzios is the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens. He holds a Ph.D. in Genetics (TU Munich), with background studies in Plant & Agricultural Science and Chemistry. He also directs the Laboratory of Cell Technology and the Center of Cell Biological Technology Applications (KEKYTE). He has a working experience of over 30 years in Biotechnology, particularly in the fields of Biosensors and Cell Engineering, with actual products of his research being in operation in 11 countries. He is the author/co-author of 130+ peer-reviewed articles in cited international scientific journals, as well as the author or coauthor of more than 90 international book chapters and conference presentations. He is also the author/editor of six international books and holder of two European and two national patents. He has coordinated and participated in more than 40 European, international and national funded research projects. Dr. Kintzios has also participated to the foundation of the Hellenic Biotechnology Cluster (HBio) and the Hellenic Society for Nanotechnological Applications in Medicine and Health Science (HSnanoHS/ELENEPY). He is a member of several public and industry committees in Greece and abroad, including the Hellenic Agricultural Academy (elected full member) and the National Council for Research, Technology and Innovation(ΕΣΕΤΕΚ).