Danilo Stojanovic

Danilo Stojanovic

Factory Lead Sekap S.A., JT International, Greece

Danilo Stojanovic is the Factory Lead of Sekap S.A. Greece, member of JTI group, since January 2022.  He started his career in Alltech-Fermin Serbia in 1996, holding engineering positions. In 2006 he joined JTI Serbia as a part of production team. From 2008, Danilo was leading production in Serbia and in 2011 became a JTI Serbia Factory Lead. In 2014, Danilo moved to lead the Global Functional Training Team based in Turkey, and in 2015 he led the production of tobacco products in Poland factory. Since 2018 he was leading the JTI Sweden factory.  He holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia.