Nancy Papathanasiou

Nancy Papathanasiou

Scientific Coordinator, 11528 By Your Side | Scientific Director & Co-founder at Orlando LGBT+, Greece

Co-founder and Scientific Director of Orlando LGBT+ Mental Health Beyond the Stigma Scientific Coordinator, 11528 Helpline By Your Side Dr. Papathanasiou holds an MSc and a PhD on Clinical Psychology from the University of Athens and is an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Social Work (University of West Attica). Since 2009, she works privately as a clinical psychologist, a group facilitator and a trainer on LGBTQ issues, DEI, and leadership.  She has coordinated numerous research projects on LGBTQI psychosocial support for Orlando LGBT+ and her research interests focus on resilience, adaptation and well-being of LGBTQI+ individuals, minorities, discrimination, and exclusion. Her clinical interests include sexual, gender, and relationship diversity, and community psychology. She has authored articles in peer reviewed journals and book chapters and has co-edited the first volume in Greek on LGBTQI+ mental health and psychosocial support. She is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and holds the Advanced Accreditation for working with Gender, Sexuality & Relationship Diversities (AAGSRDT, Pink Therapy, UK).